Step Three: Details
The following questions may help you frame your thinking and define your project.
What exactly is the project I am going to be doing?
How would I describe my project to other people?
When will I be carrying out my project?
Does this time-frame make sense, not only for me but also for the other people or organizations involved?
How much time do I have to carry out my intended project and is that enough?
What are the motivations behind my project?
Is there a genuine need for this to take place?
What are the goals I have for this project?
How do my project goals feed into my longer-term goals for my time at Yale and beyond?
What is the scope of my project?
Tip: In defining the scope of your project, defining what the project will not be can be just as helpful as defining what the project will be.
What challenges can I reasonably expect?
Are there steps I can take now which may help me to meet challenges in the future?
What are the practicalities of making something happen in the region I have identified?
What are the ethical considerations I need to be aware of when planning and carrying out my project?
What kind of support networks do I hope to have?
What steps can I take, before and during my experience, to earn money, save and budget effectively?
Am I ready to take on this project? Will I be ready by the time I undertake it?
Do I have the language skills needed to carry out this project effectively?
What preparation should I be undertaking between now and the time I leave?
Tip: Use the Planning Toolkits to prepare for your project.