Career Strategy Fellowships SEARCH FELLOWSHIPS

Graduate Study in the UK and Ireland

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Funding for Postgraduate Opportunities

Funding for Postgraduate Opportunities

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Photo by Nealie Ngo, SY '18


  1. Finding a UK Graduate Course
  2. UK Fellowships Timeline
  3. UK Fellowship Applications through Yale — Nomination or Endorsement Required
  4. Applying for Marshall and Rhodes
  5. UK Fellowships Direct Application — No Nomination Required

Tip: Fellowships like the Rhodes and Marshall are open to all types of candidates in any discipline. Every fellowship has its own ethos, but there is no single profile for these scholarships. If you believe that graduate study in the UK is for you, don't be scared off by the name!

Note: Check out this useful introductory presentation on UK fellowships and hear more about whether the Marshall and Rhodes are a good fit for you. You can also read about past Yalies' experiences with fellowships and interviews