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External Awards (non-Yale Fellowships)

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Some non-Yale, external fellowships require a campus application process while others do not. Those without a campus application requirement will not be found in the Yale Student Grants Database. A selected list of external fellowships may be found below.

Point: Click here to find scholarships and fellowships for postgraduate study in the United Kingdom and Ireland, including the Gates, Marshall, Mitchell, and Rhodes

External Awards for Yale Students and Alums

The institutional evaluation and nomination processes for some of the following fellowships are coordinated by the Office of Fellowships. See the Yale Student Grants Database for details about campus application deadlines and procedures. See individual websites for all other deadlines and application requirements.

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Tip: Advisors are available to discuss awards for which applicants must apply through our office and also, time-permitting, external awards requiring direct application. Schedule an appointment here.

Siddall Sheffield Scholarship

The Siddall Sheffield Scholarship recognises academic excellence and covers the full tuition fee for a one-year Engineering Masters at the University of Sheffield in the UK plus a stipend of £18,000 which brings the total value of the award to around £50,000.

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SMART Scholarship

Supports an undergraduate or graduate degree in a wide range of areas (including mathematics, engineering, cognitive science, biology, chemistry, and physics) at a US institution, and provides mentorship and summer internships. Upon degree completion, awardees are employed through the Department of Defense as civilian researchers.  Eligible are undergraduates who are citizens of the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or United Kingdom. Application deadline typically in early December.

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Society for Classical Studies Lionel Pierson Fellowship

Supports one year of postgraduate study of Classics at an English or Scottish university. Eligible are American & Canadian college seniors at time of nomination by their undergraduate Classics department. Deadline for nomination typically at early October (October 1, 2019).

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Society for Women Engineers Scholarships

Supports undergraduate and graduate study for women admitted to ABET accredited institutions in the US in preparation for careers in engineering or computer science. Eligible are women of any nationality enrolled in or accepted into ABET accredited undergraduate or graduate programs in engineering, computing, or technology.
Application deadlines typically in the spring: see website for details.

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South Asian Language Fellowship

Supports intensive language study at approved sites in South Asia.
Eligible are currently-enrolled Yale University students. Campus application deadline typically in February.

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Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK)

Offers opportunities to teach conversational English in Korean schools. Eligible are graduating seniors and recent graduates, citizens of Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, or US.
Application deadlines vary by program: see website for details.

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Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF)

Funding from the French Ministry of Education to support one year teaching English to French students of all ages in public schools across all regions of metropolitan France and in the overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion. Eligible are US citizens and permanent residents between the ages of 20 and 30 who are proficient in French; Canadian citizens may apply through a separate process. Those with experience teaching or working with children or young adults are at an advantage.
Application deadline typically mid-January.

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The Frederick Douglass-Daniel O’Connell Global Internship

12 exceptional student leaders will be selected for a transformative summer internship program in Dublin, Ireland, where they will draw inspiration from the legacies of two remarkable social justice leaders: Frederick Douglass and Daniel O'Connell.

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The Hillary Rodham Clinton Award for Peace and Reconciliation

Queens University, Belfast will provide a full tuition-fee waiver to an exceptional female student from the USA who wishes to pursue study in a field related to politics, conflict transformation or human rights. The five MA programmes covered by the award will include:

  • LLM Human Rights Law
  • MA Conflict Transformation and Social Justice
  • MA Global Security and Borders
  • MA Politics
  • MA Violence, Terrorism and Security
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The Milkweed Fellowship

The Milkweed Fellowship is grounded in a belief that books have the potential to change the way we see the world, and that equity is essential to a vibrant, diverse, and empowered literary ecosystem. This paid, one- to two-year immersion program is designed to offer the tools, experience, and exposure necessary to pursue a career in book publishing.

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Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship

Up to $37,000 toward master’s degrees leading to careers in the US Department of State Foreign Service. You may apply to the graduate fellowship during the senior year of your undergraduate program or any time after you graduate, as long as you plan to start graduate school in the fall of the year for which you are applying. Women, members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service, and students with financial need are encouraged to apply. *If pursuing a Pickering Fellowship, you should also apply for a Rangel Fellowship.
Application deadline typically in January.

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Tillman Scholar Program

The Tillman Scholar program supports Tillman Scholars with academic scholarships, a national network, and professional development opportunities in all different fields. The application is open to military service members, veterans, and spouses pursuing a full-time bachelor's, master’s, or professional degree at a US-based accredited institution.

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Truman Scholarship

Up to $30,000 to support for graduate or professional training for students with demonstrated leadership skills who are pursuing public service careers. 
Eligible are current juniors who are US citizens. Campus application deadline typically in November.

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Udall Native American Congressional Internship

Provides an opportunity to gain practical experience with the federal legislative process in order to understand first-hand the government-to-government relationship between Tribes and the federal government. Eligible are American Indian and Alaska Native college, graduate, and law students.
Application deadline typically the beginning of February.

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Udall Undergraduate Scholarship

Funding toward undergraduate study for a) American Indians and Alaska Natives working on an array of policy issues in Indian country or pursuing health-related careers, or b) for students pursuing careers related to conservation and environmental issues.
Eligible are college sophomores and juniors who are US citizens, nationals, and permanent residents. Campus application deadline typically in early February.

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UNA USA Fellowship for Unpaid UN Internships

The United Nations Association of the USA is offering financial support for US undergraduates and recent graduates who have secured unpaid internships with the United Nations. This fellowship is open only to US citizens. The award is up to $3,000 per month, for up to four months, for full time internships; and, up to $1,500 per month, for up to four months, for part time internships.

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US Department of State Critical Language Scholarship Program

Supports a fully funded summer overseas language and cultural immersion program. Note the pre-requisites for some languages. Eligible are currently-enrolled sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students who are US citizens.
Application deadline typically in November.

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USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship

Up to $48,000 toward a master’s degree at an approved institution in international development or other relevant area leading to careers in the USAID Foreign Service. Fellows who successfully complete the Payne Program and USAID Foreign Service entry requirements will receive appointments as Foreign Service Officers with the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Application deadline typically in January.

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Voyager Scholarship for Public Service Programs Share

The Voyager Scholarship Program is a two-year, leadership development and scholarship program. Through a combination of barrier-reducing financial aid, an immersive work-travel experience, and a robust network of leaders and mentors, the Voyager Scholarship is designed to inspire, empower, and connect the next generation of leaders and equip them with the tools and resources they need to launch their careers in public service.

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Warwick Chancellor's International Scholarship

Warwick Chancellors' International Scholarship is designed for international students wanting to persue a PhD degree at Warwick. We expect to award up to £5 million, with up to 42 Chancellors' International Scholarships available to be awarded to the most talented international PhD applicants.

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