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External Awards (non-Yale Fellowships)

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Some non-Yale, external fellowships require a campus application process while others do not. Those without a campus application requirement will not be found in the Yale Student Grants Database. A selected list of external fellowships may be found below.

Point: Click here to find scholarships and fellowships for postgraduate study in the United Kingdom and Ireland, including the Gates, Marshall, Mitchell, and Rhodes

External Awards for Yale Students and Alums

The institutional evaluation and nomination processes for some of the following fellowships are coordinated by the Office of Fellowships. See the Yale Student Grants Database for details about campus application deadlines and procedures. See individual websites for all other deadlines and application requirements.

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Tip: Advisors are available to discuss awards for which applicants must apply through our office and also, time-permitting, external awards requiring direct application. Schedule an appointment here.

Oxford Clarendon

Supports postgraduate degree study in any subject at the University of Oxford. Eligible are all applicants for postgraduate study at Oxford: apply to the degree course of your choice by the January deadline in order to be considered for the Clarendon (and many other Oxford scholarships).

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Oxford Pershing Square Graduate Scholarship

Full-cost scholarships for the MBA year of the Oxford 1+1 MBA program. Eligible are applicants for the 1+1 MBA program. Apply for the partnering master's degree of your choice and for the MBA by January if your chosen master's degree closes then, or by March (when other master's and the MBA close), and for the Pershing Square.

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Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans

Supports graduate or professional study in the US, in any field. Eligible are ""new Americans"" who are either applying for graduate/professional school or within the first two years of graduate study (see website for full eligibility details).
Application deadline typically in early November.

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Paul Mellon Fellowship

Supports up to three years of study in any discipline at Cambridge. Eligible are unmarried graduating seniors in Yale College (US citizenship not required).

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Peace Scholar Fellowship

The United States Institue of Peace (USIP) seeks applications from Ph.D candidates with high-quality, policy relevant research that will deepen understanding about conflict management, peacebuilding and other applicable security-related studies. Peace Scholars receive funding for a 10-month, non-residential fellowship.

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Princeton in Africa

Offers one-year, funded, service-oriented placements, including with NGOs. Eligible are graduating seniors and recent college graduates.
Deadlines vary by program but are typically in early November.

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Princeton in Asia

Offers one-year, funded, service-oriented placements, including with NGOs. Eligible are graduating seniors and recent college graduates.
Deadlines vary by program but are typically in early November.

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Princeton in Latin America

Offers one-year, funded, service-oriented placements, including with NGOs. Eligible are graduating seniors and recent college graduates.
Deadlines vary by program but are typically in early November.

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Project Horseshoe Farm

A Gap Year Fellowship Program for graduating seniors looking for an immersive hands-on community health experience.

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Public Policy & International Affairs (PPIA) Fellowship

The Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Fellowship prepares undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds for graduate studies and careers in public policy and international affairs.

Through the PPIA Junior Summer Institute (JSI), a rigorous seven-week program held before their senior year, students gain a deeper understanding of current issues and trends, explore career opportunities in public service and global leadership, and acquire the academic skills necessary to excel in graduate education.

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Quad Fellowship

The Quad Fellowship sponsors exceptional master's and doctoral students to study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in the United States.  The fellowship supports students from the four Quad countries – Australia, India, Japan, and the United States and has expanded to include sponsorship of students from Southeast Asian countries.

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Rhodes Scholarship

Supports one to three years of study at Oxford. Only American and Canadian applicants for the Rhodes are required first to apply for institutional endorsement. 

Rhodes Scholars are normally appointed for two years of degree study at the University of Oxford, depending on the course of study proposed (Scholars may choose to pursue a shorter, one-year degree or two, or alternatively to pursue a doctorate or a second Bachelor's degree). All educational costs, including tuition, relevant fees, and travel are covered by the Rhodes Trust.

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Saint Andrew’s Society Graduate Scholarship

Supports one year of study in any discipline at a university in Scotland. Eligible are US citizens with Scottish heritage and financial need. A Saint Andrew's Scholarship provides up to $35,000 to cover tuition and related academic expenses and help defray transportation and living expenses.

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Saltire Scholarships

Offer up to £8000, towards tuition fees for any one year of full time study on a postgraduate Masters program at any of Scotland’s higher education institutions.
Scholarships are available to citizens of the following countries: Canada, China (including Hong Kong), India, Japan, Pakistan and USA.

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Samuel Huntington Public Service Award

Supports a one-year public service activity abroad or in the US. Eligible are graduating seniors at US colleges and universities (US citizenship not required).
Application deadline typically in mid-January.

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Samvid Scholars

Supports up to $50,000 per year for two years of graduate study. In addition to funding for their graduate program, each Scholar will receive two years of leadership development programming to support them to continue to fulfill their extraordinary potential. Eligible to apply are graduating seniors and recent alumni (U.S. Citizens and DACA recipients).

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Schwarzman Scholars Program

Supports leadership development & a special, fully-funded one-year Master’s program at Tsinghua University in Beijing, with concentrations in International Relations, Public Policy, and Economics & Business.
Eligible are graduating seniors, current graduate and professional students, and recent alumni from any country (knowledge of Mandarin is an asset but is not required).

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Science and Technology Policy Institute - Policy Fellowship

Supports a fascinating two-year internship in science and technology policy. Eligible are US citizens who are graduating seniors/recent graduates with STEM majors.
Application deadline typically in late January.

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Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) - Fall Term

The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students and recent graduates to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 17 participating DOE laboratories/facilities. They perform research, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, on projects supporting the DOE mission. Recent graduates are also eligible to apply.

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Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) - Spring Term

The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students and recent graduates to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 17 participating DOE laboratories/facilities. They perform research, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, on projects supporting the DOE mission. Recent graduates are also eligible to apply.

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