Pin: Yale Fellowships and Funding offers resources for you to connect with Yalies who have participated on a funded experience. Some of these resources are found on Excel spreadsheets. Students using screen readers who need assistance navigating these documents can meet with a fellowships and funding adviser who can run searches and move the results into a format of the student’s choice. To schedule an appointment, please visit our Make an Appointment page.
File: These links takes you to Yale's OneDrive which will prompt you to enter your Yale email address and password to log in. Use the filtered headings in the Excel file to sort by fellowship name, Yale or external award, project type, and more.
Note: Most Yalies who have won fellowships in the past are happy to share their advice with students thinking of applying for fellowships.
Read about what Yalies who have won Yale-funded fellowships did with their fellowships and what they have to say about those experiences. Be inspired to write your own proposal.
Quote: You have to be willing to give yourself a chance. Of all the fellowships I applied for this cycle, the [one I won] seemed the least likely.
— Travis Gidado, TC '12
If you're thinking of applying for an outside fellowship, like the Truman or Luce, or fellowships for postgraduate study in Britain like the Rhodes, Marshall, or Gates, you can read what past Yale applicants had to say about the application process, finalist interviews, and more. Members of the Yale community may click the button below and log in. (Alumni who have trouble accessing these files should contact the Fellowships office.)
Did you know that past winners of major external awards among Yale's graduate and professional students generously volunteer to help Yale College students thinking of applying for similar awards? Find out who our Graduate Fellowship Affiliates are.
Quote: Preparing my application really helped me define my future goals and showed me why I was interested in this field in the first place.
— Selen Uman, BR '15