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Administering Fellowships in the Student Grants Database

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What is the Student Grants Database?

The Yale Student Grants Database is a database which enables students to search and apply for fellowship competitions. Fellowship administrators can manage their fellowship competitions and collect and download applications via the database.

For sample documents, click these links for a Sample Award Agreement, and a Sample Award Letter.

What is listed there?

Only Yale-funded competitions are listed in the Student Grants Database, along with competitions which require Yale's endorsement or support. Competitions for which students can apply directly and do not require Yale's endorsement or support are not listed in the Student Grants Database.

How can I list my grant or fellowship?

If your department, residential college or school  has a competition that you would like to run via the Student Grants Database, please be in touch at

Please include in your email:

  • your department, school or residential college
  • a description of the fellowship
  • whether it is open to Yale-only students or also students outside of Yale
  • a list of the questions you would like your application to contain and the materials you would like to receive with the application (resume, proposal, budget etc)

How can I learn to use the Student Grants Database to administer fellowships?

See the Fellowship Administration Timeline and the Student Grants Database tutorials for more details.

View a recorded Info Session: Yale Student Grants Database Overview for Grant Administrators.

Note: To view a CAS protected  webinar, scroll down to "Sign in with SSO" on the Zoom sign in page.

Related Resources

Need Help?

Having technical issues with the Student Grants Database? Click below to get help.